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Neural Networks

HPMPC provides a high-level interface for performing secure inference of neural networks.

  • PIGEON is a templated inference engine for private inference of neural networks and handles the data flow between layers.
  • PyGEON is a Python library that allows users to export models and datasets from PyTorch to PIGEON.
  • Programs/NN orchestrates the execution of PIGEON and the MPC backend.


PIGEON is a templated inference engine for private inference of neural networks. Models and datasets can be exported from PyTorch to PIGEON. PIGEON then performs a forward pass on the model and dataset by relying on high-level functions provided by HPMPC. PIGEON consists of two main components: Architectures and Headers.


Architectures for neural networks are defined in the architectures directory. Out of the box PIGEON supports multiple ResNet and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures such as AlexNet, VGG, and LeNet.

The following is an example of the LeNet architecture as defined in CNNs.hpp. As one can see, layers can be defined in a similar manner to PyTorch. Architectures such as ResNets can also be defined in a programmatic manner as seen in ResNet.hpp. The example below also shows a ReLU layer with reduced bitlength. In the example, only bits 8-16 are used for the sign bit extraction required by ReLU thus reducing communication complexity at the cost of accuracy. Related Work such as Hummingbird can be used to identify the optimal bitlength for each layer.

template <typename T>       
class LeNet : public SimpleNN<T>
    LeNet(int num_classes)
        this->add(new Conv2d<T>(1,6,5,1,2));
        this->add(new ReLU<T>());
        this->add(new AvgPool2d<T>(2,2));
        this->add(new Conv2d<T>(6,16,5,1,0));
        this->add(new ReLU<T,8,16>()); // ReLU with reduced bitlength
        this->add(new AvgPool2d<T>(2,2));
        this->add(new Flatten<T>());
        this->add(new Linear<T>(400,120));
        this->add(new ReLU<T>());
        this->add(new Linear<T>(120,84));
        this->add(new ReLU<T>());
        this->add(new Linear<T>(84,num_classes));


Layers are implemented in a generic manner in the headers directory. PIGEON itself only performs non-arithmetic operations such as matrix transposition, reshaping, and handling the data flow between layers. All arithmetic operations are performed by high-level functions provided by HPMPC. This modular design allows for an easy addition of new layers and neural network architectures to PIGEON without knowledge of the MPC backbone. PIGEON could potentially be used with other MPC backends as long as they provide the required high-level functions with the interface required by PIGEON.

The following is a list of layers currently implemented in PIGEON:

Layer Description
Conv2d 2D Convolution
Linear Fully Connected Layer
ReLU Rectified Linear Unit
Softmax Softmax (Argmax) Activation
AvgPool2d 2D Average Pooling
MaxPool2d 2D Max Pooling
AdaptiveAvgPool2d 2D Adaptive Average Pooling
BatchNorm2d 2D Batch Normalization
BatchNorm1d 1D Batch Normalization
Flatten Flatten Layer


PyGEON is a Python library that allows users to export models and datasets from PyTorch to PIGEON. The library provides the following functionalities.

  • Download, transform, and edit datasets in PyTorch and export them as .bin files
  • Train models in PyTorch and export them as .bin files
  • Import existing model parameters as .pth files and export them as .bin files

The generated .bin files are compatible with PIGEON and can be used to achieve similar accuracy as the original model in PyTorch.

Train and Export a Model

A single line of code suffices to train a model in PyTorch and export it to PIGEON. The following command trains an AlexNet model on the CIFAR-10 dataset for 30 epochs and exports the model and datasets as .bin files.

 python --action train --export_model --export_dataset --transform standard --model AlexNet --num_classes 10 --dataset_name CIFAR-10 --modelpath ./models/alexnet_cifar --num_epochs 30 --lr 0.01 --criterion CrossEntropyLoss --optimizer Adam

The script provides the following functionalities:

Argument Description
--action Action to perform on the model: train, import, train_all (for training all predifined model architectures), none (e.g. for only exporting the dataset)
--export_model Export the model as a .bin file for PIGEON
--export_dataset Export the test dataset as a .bin file for PIGEON
--model Model architecture as defined in
--num_classes Number of classes in the dataset
--dataset_name Name of the dataset as defined in
--modelpath Path to save the model to (if --export_model is set) or load the model from (if --action is import)
--num_epochs Number of epochs to train the model
--lr Learning rate for the optimizer
--criterion Loss function to use
--optimizer Optimizer to use
--transform Type of transformation to apply to the dataset: custom or standard

New model architectures can be added to and new datasets can be added to to extend the functionality of PyGEON.

Import Pretrained Models

We provide a set of pretrained models that can be imported to PIGEON using the script.

The following command downloads all pretrained models to the models/pretrained folder and all datasets to the data/datasets folder.

python all
Note that downloading all models requires a few GB of disk space. Thus, we also provide the option to download some of the models and datasets with the following options.

Argument Description
all Download all models and datasets
single_model Download VGG16, trained on CIFAR-10 (standard transform)
cifar_adam_001_pretrained Download several models, trained on CIFAR-10 with Adam optimizer and lr=0.01
cifar_adam_005_pretrained Download several models, trained on CIFAR-10 with Adam optimizer and lr=0.05
cifar_sgd_001_pretrained Download several models, trained on CIFAR-10 with SGD optimizer and lr=0.01
lenet5_pretrained Download LeNet5, trained on MNIST (different transforms)
datasets Download all datasets

The different options can be combined to download multiple models and datasets at once.

python single_model datasets # Downloads VGG16 and all datasets


Programs/NN orchestrates the execution of PIGEON and the MPC backend. The NN program provides the following functionalities.

  • Load a model and dataset from PyGEON using environment variables.
  • Obtain the model parameters and the dataset from the right party and secretly share them.
  • Define the model architecture and dataset dimensions for performing a forward pass.
  • Perform a forward pass on the model using PIGEON as the inference engine and HPMPC as the MPC backend.

Evaluate a Model

To evaluate a model, the program first assigns a FUNCTION_IDENTIFIER to the model architecture and dataset dimensions. For instance, the following line defines that the VGG model is evaluated when the FUNCTION_IDENTIFIER is set to 74.

    int n_test = NUM_INPUTS*BASE_DIV, ch = 3, h = 32, w = 32, num_classes = 10; // CIFAR-10 input dimensions
    auto model = VGG<modeltype>(num_classes); // CNN architecture as defined in CNNs.hpp of PIGEON

A custom model can be evaluated by defining a new architecture in CNNs.hpp or ResNet.hpp and assigning a new FUNCTION_IDENTIFIER to the model in NN.hpp. The program ensures that each process and vector handles a separate part of the dataset and prints the accuracy of its classifications in the terminal.

Secret Sharing of Model Parameters and Data

The program checks which party is responsible for sharing the model parameters and which party is responsible for sharing the dataset. The parties can be specified with the MODELOWNER and DATAOWNER config options. MODELOWNER=P_0 and DATAOWNER=P_1 specify that party 0 is responsible for sharing the model and party 1 is responsible for sharing the dataset. Setting MODELOWNER=-1 and DATAOWNER=-1 skips secret sharing which is useful for benchmarking.

For the node acting as the model owner, the program loads the model parameters from the .bin file as defined by the environment variables MODEL_DIR and MODEL_FILE. The model at MODEL_DIR/MODEL_FILE is loaded and its parameters are secretly shared. Below is an example of how to set the environment variables for the VGG16 model trained on CIFAR-10.

export MODEL_DIR=nn/Pygeon/models/pretrained
export MODEL_FILE=VGG16_CIFAR-10_standard.bin

For the node acting as the data owner, the program loads the dataset from the .bin file as defined by the environment variables DATA_DIR, SAMPLES_FILE, and LABELS_FILE. The samples at DATA_DIR/SAMPLES_FILE are loaded and secretly shared. Below is an example of how to set the environment variables for the CIFAR-10 dataset.

export DATA_DIR=nn/Pygeon/data/datasets
export SAMPLES_FILE=CIFAR-10_standard_test_images.bin
export LABELS_FILE=CIFAR-10_standard_test_labels.bin

Note that each party that requires obtaining the correct accuracy needs the labels of the dataset in plaintext. The environment variables can be adjusted without the need to recompile the program. Also, the program prints in the terminal whether the model and dataset were loaded correctly.